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Plans and pricing

Whether you need simple automations or complex workflows, ModularMind offers the most powerful AI assistants

Automate basic workflows
in a drag & drop interface.
Free forever
Free plan features:
Unlimited boards
Unlimited modular prompts
Use your own API key
1000 free credits
Best for basic use
Automate advanced workflows
with the full power of ModularMind.
Starting from
Billed annually
Everything in Free, plus:
Intelligent web browsing
Local and online file import
Automation with scheduling
10,000 credits/mo
Best for individuals
Build and manage automated workflows with your team.
Starting from
/member /mo
Billed annually
Everything in Pro, plus:
Shared team library
Designated Support
30,000 credits/mo/member
Best for teams

Start building your AI workforce

Tell ModularMind about your task and it will build the workflow to automate it

An assistant that searches for the most popular videos on YouTube on a given topic, analyzes each video and generates a brief report on the subject.

Build a competitive intelligence assistant that monitors my competitors' websites and social media profiles to generate monthly strategy reports.

A research assistant that can gather information on scientific topics from academic journals and summarize the latest findings.


A content repurposing assistant that can take my long-form blog posts and turn them into X threads, LinkedIn articles, and YouTube video scripts.

Thousands of professionals enjoy the magic of
AI-powered assistants

Sophia R.

Feels like having a team of AI specialists at your fingertips—designing workflows is seamless, and the results are transformative!

Daniel F.

ok thats the coolest tool ive seen in my life, what a time to be alive!

Steve W.

Incredibly deep feature set, well thought out, clean design – very very impressive.

Felix C.

This platform is amazing. I just saved a day of time researching a client. I’m all in with you guys.

Madison L.

Found it great to use, excited for further updates !!

Maartje D.

It's like having thousands of ChatGPTs at my disposal, ready to devour the web to automate my work.

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